Archive for October 12th, 2011

Stop Photographing Yourself Like This

This picture has been making its way around facebook and many blogs. But mostly, people are just posting this image.  So I figured I’d take it upon myself to go a little deeper.

It’s pure narcissism, and you love it.
It’s not enough to just take one photo of yourself & throw it up on facebook…. You do it again. and again. and again. you’re effin creepy.
In the kitchen.  In the car.  On the living room floor.  Sitting in your bedroom.  With the shades.  Without them.  Lying in bed.  Standing in front of the mirror. Winking.  Making those effin kissy – lips.  Looking surprised.  Looking pensive.  Curling your lip.   Poker face.  Sexy face.  Suspicious face.  Pouty face.  And always, in every shot (except the ones at the mirror), the tell-tale sign: left or right arm, extending towards the lens, behind which your hand holds the camera.

Is it just a trend? Will future generations spend so much time and energy taking snapshots of themselves? (Probably)

Stop it.  Stop perpetuating this odd and alarming self-absorption.  Do something productive.  Or better yet, figure out just how many effin pictures you’ve taken of YOURSELF, add them all together, multiply that number times 2, and donate that amount to 18 Charities.

WikiHow has the worst instructions on how to self photograph.
Otod Solution:  Have someone else take your picture……


And now, for your Spanish Otod Word of the Day….SpOtod

{ Picture = fotografía }

Use it in a sentence: Abso~BetterIngredientsBetterPizzaPapaJohns~lutely…….

Do not photograph the live animals.

No fotografiar a los animales vivos.